
[V三级] 【欧美无码】春色漾蕩Swung 2015中文字幕[經典情色劇情人性][87:26]


【欧美无码】春色漾蕩Swung 2015中文字幕[經典情色劇情人性][87:26]

  • 观看网址: https://www.rapidvideo.com/embed/YLgRfWCLY

  • none: none

  • 播放时间: 1 小时以上

  • 是否有码: 欧美无码片

  • 影片品种: 欧美 

  • 影片类型: 三级 

  • 【影片名稱】:春色漾蕩Swung 2015中文字幕[經典情色劇情人性](高清收藏版)

    主  演 伊麗莎白·麥戈文 Elizabeth McGovern
         大衛的生活是在幻燈片上︰ 他正在離婚 |打破了,'不能得到它。他的女朋友 |愛麗絲 |是他的岩石 |但她寫的那本雜志是走和壓力是找到壹個故事。在網上找工作 |大衛對他無

    聊遇完美解毒劑: 換妻網站。的造成的淫蕩邀請家筆記本電腦上的收件箱無可非議地擾亂愛麗絲 |直到她意識到這可能是只是 '故事' 她需要。揭露的想法擺動的場景在愛麗絲的辦

    公室引起相當大的轟動和 |大衛的懊惱多 |她敦促追求的故事。他們不情願的首次嘗試是歇斯底裏的低租金開始 |然而 |大衛的男子氣概意外的回升是他們需要的所有額外的鼓勵。

    當事件加速超越他們控制成爲失去壹次崇拜夫婦和基本的問題就是問他們的關系和他們作爲個人。在黑暗中 |感動了許多人 |他們將不得不找到自己...

    David's life is on the slide: he's in the middle of a divorce| broke and 'can't get it up'. His girlfriend| Alice| is his rock| but the magazine she writes for is
    going down and the pressure is on to find a story. While job hunting online| David stumbles across the perfect antidote to his boredom: a 'Swingers' site. The
    resulting inbox of lewd invitations on the home-laptop justifiably upsets Alice| until she realises this could be just the 'story' she needs. The idea of uncovering
    the swinging scene causes quite a stir in Alice's office and| much to David's chagrin| she is urged to pursue the story. Their first reluctant foray is an
    hysterically low-rent initiation| however| an unexpected upturn for David's manhood is all the extra encouragement they need. As events accelerate beyond their
    control the once adoring couple become lost and fundamental questions are asked of their relationship and them as individuals. In darkness| touched by many others|
    they will have to find themselves...

    • michix 金币 +30 感谢分享,论坛有您更精彩! 2016-9-4 13:42


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